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Meet the Creative Duo, your partners in building your brand, creative, & digital design. 

With our Creative Duo by your side, we will support you in asserting your business identity and your own creative vision. 

At CLICK DUO we pride ourselves in understanding how important identity is. Adapting from formulaic business models after 20+ years work with in-house companies, we have developed an organic design process to ensure smooth communication and a continuous nurturing of your business.

Meet the Creative Duo


Hello! I’m Jaz,
Creative Digital Specialist at CLICK DUO Creative. 

Hi! I’m Charanjit, Creative Brand Strategist at
CLICK DUO Creative. 

Meet The Duo

In a world of noise, I believe it's important to understand the complexities and technicalities of a business without compromising on character. as one of the Creative Duo's I'm here to provide you with clear, easy-to-understand solutions. CLICK DUO wants to revitalise the heart of a business venture.   

As one of the Creative Duo's I’m here to provide you with direct, easy-to-understand solutions, and revitalise the heart of a business venture. 

I have always been an artist - from paint brushes to mouse cursors!

I began my design career in the Manufacturing & IT sector, designing advertisements and gaining the valuable marketing experience that would make up the foundation of my career. I perfected my digital skills across 20 years, working B2B, B2C and consistently developing my skills in new mediums. Organising events, conferences and exhibitions was one thing, but creating the materials for brand expression became what I enjoyed the most. 


I joined a science company in 2003, all the while working with other small businesses in beauty and wellbeing; strengthening media presence, cultivating identities and developing campaigns. This allowed me to further hone in my skills and interrogate my own motivations:


Why did I design, and who did I want to design for?


The answer was: everyone! Every business has an identity, and I wanted to offer the microphone and help amplify more and more voices. That was my raison d'etre. 


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Ever since I've been young I’ve been enthralled by multimedia entertainment and digital content. Consuming them of course, but also learning how they are made and the technology that is used to create such interactive and immersive experiences. 


So, how did I get here? 


I found myself entering the design industry to further explore the development of multimedia, and how it shapes the world before us.
I began my career in the design industry at a signage company, learning early how design can finetune and amplify a message. Later I joined the construction sector, and dealt with more technical matters in my design work. More recently  the toys and games sector is where I further expanded my skills.


What motivates me?


It has been amazing to develop my creative skills in an everchanging industry across twenty five years - communing with B2C to B2B and then eventually B2B. I have been able to interact with newer technologies, and have since become interested in the use of AI, and its development alongside art.

Learn more about our CreativeDigital 
and Brand Support

Let our Creative Duo be apart of your journey! 

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